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Light, Crunchy Kulkuls Recipe

Light, Crunchy Kulkuls Recipe

How to Make Crunchy Kulkuls Today we’re making delicious, crunchy kulkuls, a classic Goan bite-size pastry that is a traditional fixture on Christmas sweet platters in Goan homes. My recipe makes light and crunchy kulkuls that puff up and expand in the oil as they 

Delicious Christmas Coconut Candy Recipe

Delicious Christmas Coconut Candy Recipe

Easy Goan Coconut Candy Recipe With Christmas just a month away, it’s time for me to get going with my series of Christmas recipes for this season. My first recipe is for perhaps the easiest Christmas sweet – melt-in-the mouth-delicious, Christmas Coconut Candy. Also called 

Quick, Flavourful Goan Chicken Stew

Quick, Flavourful Goan Chicken Stew

Goan Stew Recipe with Chicken Let me share with you my recipe for a comforting and delicious Goan chicken stew. The traditional stew is made with pork and beef, though sometimes also with chicken. Neither beef nor pork being available where I live, I’m making 

Easy, Delicious Brinjal Cutlets Recipe

Easy, Delicious Brinjal Cutlets Recipe

Easy Eggplant Patties Recipe from Scratch Today, let me share with you a tasty and original Pat-a-Cake recipe. Let me show you my easy recipe for brinjal cutlets. It’s eggless, vegetarian, easy to make, and very, very tasty. And in my opinion, much better than 

Delicious Goan Poee, Easy Recipe

Delicious Goan Poee, Easy Recipe

Goan Poee Recipe with Useful Tips Of all the various kinds of breads available in Goan bakeries, perhaps the most popular of them all is the poee. It’s an old and traditional favourite. Now let me show you an easy recipe for Goan poee or 

Easy Rice Flour Dosa Recipe

Easy Rice Flour Dosa Recipe

Instant Rice Flour Dosa With Veggies Interested in a quick and easy breakfast recipe? I have the perfect one for you: Instant rice flour dosas. These are much easier to make than the popular and tasty Goan Polles! This recipe doesn’t involve any soaking, grinding, 

Delicious Goan Prawn Rissois

Delicious Goan Prawn Rissois

Super-tasty Goan Shrimp Rissoles These are melt-in-the-mouth, delicious turnovers with a creamy prawn filling. Super-tasty Goan prawn rissois or rissoles are made by Goans till today just like they’re made in Portugal, the place from where their recipe came to us in Goa. Called ‘rissois 

Bakery Style Chocolate Chip Muffins

Bakery Style Chocolate Chip Muffins

Fluffy Chocolate Chip Muffins This is an easy recipe for light and tasty bakery style chocolate chip muffins. Follow my step-by-step instructions and you could easily make fluffy chocolate chip muffins. Leave out the chocolate chips, and you’ll have a recipe for learning how to