About Us

This ‘About Us’ page is actually just about me, Veena Gomes-Patwardhan. Why? Because  my exciting new venture—Pat-a-Cake—is a one-woman show. Really. At this brand new cooking channel, it’s just me wearing different hats – cook, videographer, video editor, photographer, script writer, audio recorder, audio editor, and Pat-a-Cake manager.

At present, I’m well into my senior years. But I still have the energy and enthusiasm to juggle all of this, on my own, at least for now. What I need the most though, to keep me going, is the support of food lovers and subscribers to my YouTube channel.

Professional background

Cooking, particularly baking, has been a passion with me right from my school days. But professionally, I’m an experienced Mumbai-based freelance writer, copywriter, copy editor, and science journalist. My work has appeared in national and international publications and anthologies like Chicken Soup for the Soul. Formerly, I edited a travel magazine and newspaper – Let’s Travel. I also have a book in Marathi to my name – Spoken English Madhlya Chuka Talla (Avoid common errors in spoken English). Besides, I’ve just completed writing my first novel (romance-cum-women’s fiction).

In an earlier avatar, I worked as an analytical chemist and microbiologist, squeezing in time to write on the side. I made the switch from tinkering with petri dishes and test tubes to writing full-time from home on realising that flaunting my analytical skills was less satisfying than waking up each morning, thinking: “Oh my gosh, I’m a writer!”

About Pat-a-Cake

Pat-a-Cake is about baking, and much, much more. It will feature recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and any meal or snack in-between. Almost every week I’ll be uploading videos of  interesting dishes from around the world. The focus here will be on offering authentic ingredient proportions and essential cooking instructions. It has to be so, for I’m keen to help new cooks and busy people rustle up quick and tasty dishes with confidence.

My blog on my main website

When I’m not working on freelance assignments, or like recently, shooting cooking videos for Pat-a-Cake, I could be brushing up my amateur skills in Japanese poetry or dashing off well-researched pieces on Goa, Goan mandos, and active senior years for my blog. In case you’re interested,  it’s accessible on my main website  www.veenapatwardhan.com .  The link to my blog is also included in the Pat-a-Cake menu bar above. 

On  a personal note, I have little interest in stock markets, and am allergic to ungrateful jerks and fundamentalists of all stripes. But I have an affinity for kind-hearted and compassionate people, and yes, Goan rose tea. My hobbies include reading, writing, music, baking, sketching, and travel. I’m a lover of family and world peace and believe in the axiom “Live and let live”. And that, dear friends, is the real me. 

Have a great day.  Cheers!