One Base, Five Delicious Ice Cream Flavours

One Base, Five Delicious Ice Cream Flavours

Five Amazing Homemade Ice Creams With Simple Ingredients

Here are five creamy and super-tasty summer treats for you. Let me show you how to make an easy ice cream base with simple ingredients available in the house. And from this one easy-to-make base, you’ll be able to make multiple kinds of ice creams. I’ll show you just 5 of the many variations you could make: Vanilla ice cream, coffee ice cream, mixed berries ice cream, butterscotch ice cream, and rajbhog ice cream. All five are soft and delicious.

To make the simple ice cream base, you don’t need any whipping cream, condensed, milk, or eggs, or even an ice cream maker. All you’ll need is a mixer / blender or electric beater.

So do give these recipes a shot.

And don’t forget to check out some more of my summer time treats: Quick and easy kulfi with two special ingredients and mango yogurt ice cream.



2 litres full cream milk

6 tbsp milk powder

6 tbsp cornflour

¾ – 1 cup sugar

½ cup milk cream


For Rajbhog ice cream

¼ cup milk powder+ 3 tbsp milk +½ tsp ghee (mawa)

1 tbsp chopped almonds

1 tbsp chopped cashew nuts

1 tbsp saffron milk

¼ tsp ground cardamom

(Some nuts for garnish)


For Butterscotch ice cream

3 tbsp sugar + ½ tsp butter + 1 tbsp chopped almonds (butterscotch pralines /crumble)

2 tbsp brown sugar + 2 tbsp milk cream + 2 tsp butter (butterscotch sauce)

¼ tsp butterscotch essence


For Mixed Berries ice cream

2 tbsp mixed berries crush


For Coffee ice cream

1 tsp instant coffee

2 tsp hot water

Chocolate chips / Grated chocolate

Chopped almonds


For Vanilla ice cream

¼ tsp vanilla essence

Easy Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe


  1. Make a slurry with ½ cup milk, cornflour, and milk powder.
  2. Boil the milk. Let it simmer for 7 – 8 minutes. Add sugar. Boil for 3 – 4 minutes more.
  3. Add slurry. Boil milk for 3 minutes with continuous stirring.
  4. Cool it completely. Chill in the fridge for half an hour.
  5. Whisk the milk cream into the milk mix. Transfer to a blender jar.
  6. Whip in a mixer for 2-3 minutes. Pour into an airtight container and freeze for 5 -6 hours till semi-set.
  7. Prepare some mawa by heating a mix of milk powder, milk, and ghee in the microwave for around 1 ½ minute. Prepare butterscotch sauce by mixing the brown sugar, butter, and milk cream in a thick bottom vessel and then heating it on a medium flame with constant swirling. When the mixture starts bubbling stir it with a spoon and continue boiling it for around 2 -3 minutes on a low flame till the sauce thickens. Make some butterscotch crumble by heating sugar in a non-tick pan on medium heat till it starts melting uniformly. Then stir with a spoon. When the sugar forms a golden brown caramel, add the butter. Quickly mix it well into the caramel and turn off the heat. Mix in the chopped almonds and transfer the sticky mass to a lightly greased piece of parchment paper. Spread it out lightly into a disc. When it cools, break it into pieces and then crush the pieces using a pestle and mortar. Store the butterscotch pralines in an airtight container.
  8. Once the ice cream base has almost set, divide it into 5 parts to make 5 different types of ice cream.
  9. To make vanilla ice cream, whip the first one-fifth part with ½ tsp vanilla extract in a blender jar for 2 minutes. To make coffee ice cream, dissolve 1 tsp instant coffee with 1 tbsp of hot water. Whip the second part of the ice cream base along with this coffee solution in a blender jar for 2 minutes. To make mixed berries ice cream, whip the third part of the base with 2 tbsp of mixed berries crush for 2 minutes. To make butterscotch ice cream, whip the fourth part of the base with 1 tbsp of butterscotch sauce, 4 – 5 tsp of butterscotch crumble, and ¼ tsp of butterscotch essence in a blender jar for 2 minutes. To make rajbhog ice cream, blend the fifth part of the ice cream base with the mawa, saffron milk, ground cardamom, and chopped nuts for 2 minutes.
  10. Add toppings of your choice and transfer each whipped ice cream to an airtight container and freeze it overnight or till fully set.



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