Quick and Easy Chocolate Easter Eggs

Quick and Easy Chocolate Easter Eggs

How to make chocolate eggs without moulds

Let’s make two different kinds of tasty and easy chocolate Easter eggs. In the first recipe, you’ll see how to make chocolate eggs without moulds. But both recipes are uncomplicated and involve making simple decorations on the finished eggs. The first one is for truffle-style chocolate Easter eggs, the second is for making chocolate bark Easter eggs.

Each one is an Easter eggs recipe with chocolate, but we’re using white compound chocolate in both recipes. White because we’re making eggs, and compound chocolate because we want to do away with the hassle of tempering the chocolate.

The truffle Easter eggs have a biscuit and cashew nut filling, whereas the chocolate bark Easter eggs have dates, cashew nuts, and biscuits mixed into the white chocolate. Do try out both these delicious recipes for easy chocolate Easter eggs this Easter.

And don’t forget to check out my other quick and easy Easter eggs recipe for making Marzipan Easter Eggs.



Truffle-style Easter Eggs

120g Marie Biscuits, crushed

½ cup (60g) broken cashew nuts

3 tbsp milk

2tbsp milk powder

1 ½ tbsp sugar

1 ½ tbsp chocolate chips

2 tsp butter


For coating:

130g white chocolate

1 tsp butter

Golden ball sprinkles (decoration)


Chocolate Bark Easter Eggs

150g white chocolate

6 chocolate biscuits

6 finely chopped dates

¼ cup (30g) broken cashew nuts

½ tbsp powdered / icing sugar

4 Kinder Joy moulds

Golden ball sprinkles (decoration)


Easter eggs recipe with chocolate


Truffle-style Easter eggs

  1. Lightly roast the cashew nuts on low heat for 3-4 minutes. Roughly chop ¼ cup and keep this aside for the larger Chocolate Bark Easter eggs. Grind the remaining ½ cup coarsely in the mixer-grinder.
  2. Add the sugar and milk powder to the milk, bring to a boil, simmer for 1 minute and take it off the heat. Let the milk syrup cool for a while.
  3. Crush the Marie biscuits and then grind them to a powder.
  4. Add the ground biscuits, the ground cashew nuts, chocolate chips, milk syrup, and butter to a mixing bowl. Mix everything and knead into a soft dough. If the mix is too dry, add 1 or 2 tsp of milk to it. If it is too wet, grind a couple of Marie biscuits and add in as much of the ground biscuits as needed.
  5. Divide dough into 7 portions, giving each one the shape of an egg. Chill these in the fridge for around 10 minutes.
  6. Melt the white chocolate using a double boiler. Stir till all the chocolate melts. Take the bowl of chocolate off the double boiler. The chocolate should be only slightly warm.
  7. Mix the butter into the melted chocolate.
  8. Dip each shaped egg into the white chocolate till it is coated with chocolate all over. Lift it out of the chocolate using a fork, let the excess melted chocolate drain off, and move it to a parchment paper covered cutting board or tray.
  9. Move the board with the coated eggs to the freezer for around 20 minutes to let the chocolate set.
  10. Neaten each egg by cutting away the excess chocolate that has pooled around its bottom.
  11. Warm the remaining melted choc and fill it into a Ziploc bag. Snip off a corner and drizzle some of the melted choc and golden sprinkles on top of each egg.


Chocolate Bark Easter eggs

  1. Lightly crush the biscuits.
  2. Chop the dates finely and mix these with the powdered sugar.
  3. Lightly roast the cashew nuts on low heat for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Mix the dates, crushed biscuits, and nuts.
  5. Melt the chocolate using a double boiler. Keep around a tablespoon of it aside and into the rest of the melted chocolate stir in the mix of biscuits, dates, and nuts. Fill 3 of the Kinder Joy egg moulds. Keep the remaining chocolate mix over the bowl of hot water to keep it warm.
  6. Keep the eggs in the freezer for 20 minutes or till the filling has set and is firm.
  7. Demould the egg halves.
  8. Fill the fourth mould with the choc mix. Upturn one of the demoulded egg halves over this to form a complete egg. Keep this in the freezer for around 30 minutes or till the egg is firm enough to be demoulded.
  9. Demould the egg.
  10. Colour the melted chocolate kept aside with a tiny amount of gel / candy colour. Drizzle this and the gold sprinkles on the top of each of the egg halves. Pipe a design on the top of the intact egg. Scatter the golden sprinkles over this.


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