Recipe for Rava Sheera and Goan Sheero

Recipe for Rava Sheera and Goan Sheero

Classic Rava Sheera and Goan Sheero

Presenting the perfect recipe for Rava Sheera and Goan Sheero / Goan Sheera. Pure ghee, classic Sheera is an Indian sweet dish made on festive occasions and for family celebrations, and Goan Sheero a popular tea-time dish in Goa. Read on for perfect proportions for the recipe for Rava Sheera and Goan sheero.

If you’ve never made Goan Sheero before, you absolutely should try it. It has a lower proportion of sugar and ghee than classic Rava Sheera, but, believe me, it’s a really flavourful dish. Yes, it’s different from Sheera, but in a tasty kind of way. You could think of it as a Goan Sheera. So go ahead and do make both these delicious treats.



Rava Sheera

¾ cup rava (semolina)

½ cup + 2 tbsp sugar

5 tbsp pure ghee

¾ cup milk

1 cup water

1 tsp ground cardamom

¼ tsp salt

2 tbsp chopped cashew nuts

2 tbsp raisins

2 pinches saffron + 1 ½ tbsp water


Goan Sheero / Goan Sheera

½ cup rava (semolina)

5 tbsp sugar

2 tbsp pure ghee (or vanaspati)

3 tbsp grated coconut

¼ cup milk

1 cup water

½ tsp ground cardamom

¼ tsp salt

2 tbsp roasted and crushed cashew nuts

A few raisins



classic rava sheera

Rava Sheera

  1. In a vessel, mix the milk, water, sugar, and salt.
  2. Next, soak the saffron in the water and set it aside.
  3. Stir the milk mix and set it to boil.
  4. On another gas burner, heat 1 tbsp out of the 5 tbsp of pure ghee in the vessel you’ll be cooking the rava sheera. Sauté the cashew nuts and the raisins for a minute. Take these off on to a plate.
  5. Then add the remaining ghee to the vessel, and when it’s well heated, add in the rava. Roast the rava with constant stirring on medium heat. At the same time, keep an eye on the sweetened milk mix and turn off the heat when it reaches a boil. Continue roasting the semolina with the heat on medium till it gets a light brown colour and releases the aroma of roasted rava.
  6. Reduce the heat to low, stir in the cashew nuts and raisins, the ground cardamom, and the soaked saffron. Immediately pour in the hot milk mix. Stir everything well, cover the vessel and let the sheera cook.
  7. After 2-3 minutes, take off the lid and stir the sheera. Stir it till the excess liquid evaporates and it leaves the sides of the vessel.
  8. Finally, fluff up the sheera and serve it hot.



tasty goan sheero

Goan Sheero / Goan Sheera

  1. In a vessel, mix the milk, water, sugar, and salt, and set this to boil. Lightly grease a plate for setting the cooked sheero later on.
  2. Roast a few cashew nuts in 1 tbsp of pure ghee and take them off the heat. Crush them lightly.
  3. Then to the same vessel, add the remaining tbsp of ghee and roast the semolina on medium heat for around 3-4 minutes.
  4. Stir in the grated coconut and continue roasting the rava till it turns light brown in colour.
  5. Reduce the heat to low, add the ground cardamom, pour in the sweetened milk mix, and stir everything well. Cover the vessel, and let the sheero cook for a couple of minutes.
  6. Take off the lid, give the sheero a good stir and when it comes off the sides of the vessel, take it off the heat.
  7. That done, transfer the sheero to the greased thali and pat it down into a rectangle shape. Sprinkle the crushed cashew nut pieces on it and level the top with a spatula. Cut the sheero into diamond shapes or squares. Press a raisin into each piece. Serve the Goan sheero while it is still hot.



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