Crunchy Mini Raisin and Oat Cookies

Crunchy Mini Raisin and Oat Cookies

Mini Raisin and Oatmeal Cookies

These could be the tastiest, crunchiest raisin and oat cookies you’ve ever tasted. Seriously. They’re light, crisp, and irresistibly tasty. What makes these Mini Raisin and Oat Cookies stand out from the store-bought ones is their delicious homemade flavour. Believe me, these are far, far tastier. And they’re so easy to make. No need to drag out any electrical equipment.

Besides, these Mini Raisin and Oat Cookies developed and tested at Pat-a-Cake have no maida / all-purpose flour. Instead, they’re made of nutritious whole wheat flour and high fibre oats (either rolled oats or quick-cooking oats). These are healthy cookies just like the chocolate atta biscuits featured earlier.


2 tbsp oat flour

¼ cup rolled oats (or quick-cooking oats)

¼ cup + 2 tbsp whole wheat flour (atta)

¼ cup sugar, powdered

¼ cup soft salted butter

½ tsp baking powder

½ tsp vanilla extract (or 1 tsp ground cardamom)

1 ½ tbsp milk, approx.

2-3 tbsp raisins

(Will make 35 mini cookies)

crunchy raisin and oat cookies


  1. Mix the flours, baking powder and raisins with a whisk.
  2. Cream the butter with a fork or whisk. Mix in the powdered sugar. Beat well for a couple of minutes. This is an important step in this recipe as it ensures your cookies will be light. Mix in the vanilla extract.
  3. Next, whisk in the flour and raisin mix. The dough will be somewhat dry at this stage.
  4. Add a little milk at a time (approx. 1 ½ tbsp) to the mix till it is evenly moistened and everything can be brought together into a slightly sticky dough. Don’t knead the dough.
  5. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Grease it with a little oil.
  6. Then, with lightly greased palms, make marble-sized balls of the dough and place these an inch apart on the baking tray. Press each ball down lightly with the ball of the thumb or a palette knife to flatten it a bit.
  7. Bake at 180C (350F) for around 15 -17 minutes till the cookies are lightly browned along the edges. They’ll still be slightly soft when taken out of the oven.
  8. Let them cool on the tray for 10 minutes and then transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely.
  9. Store the crunchy raisin and oat cookies in an airtight jar.


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