One Base, Five Delicious Ice Cream Flavours

One Base, Five Delicious Ice Cream Flavours

Five Amazing Homemade Ice Creams With Simple Ingredients Here are five creamy and super-tasty summer treats for you. Let me show you how to make an easy ice cream base with simple ingredients available in the house. And from this one easy-to-make base, you’ll be 

Easy Carrot Pickle Goan Style

Easy Carrot Pickle Goan Style

Homemade Carrot Pickle Recipe Today I have yet another lip-smacking tasty Goan pickle for you – An easy carrot pickle recipe that’s quick to make and not too complicated. If you liked my brinjal pickle and tendli pickle, I guarantee you’ll absolutely love this pickle 

How to Make Virgin Mojitos at Home

How to Make Virgin Mojitos at Home

Low-cost, Non-alcoholic Mojitos With summer already underway, I thought I’d bring you something refreshing to beat the summer heat. Let me show you how with just a handful of regular ingredients, you’ll be able to make three incredibly refreshing summer drinks – 3 kinds of 

How to Make Quick Jeera Soda

How to Make Quick Jeera Soda

Refreshing Homemade Masala Soda Let’s make a refreshing summer drink – jeera soda, or homemade masala soda, a cooling drink made with jeera or cumin seeds, spices, and lime juice. The step-by-step instructions will show you how to make this refreshing and quick jeera soda 

Mouth-watering Goan Brinjal Pickle

Mouth-watering Goan Brinjal Pickle

Flavourful Goan Eggplant Pickle Here’s one of the most popular Goan pickles – the mouth-watering Goan brinjal pickle. It is made with the longer variety of dark purple brinjals. The pickle has an appetising aroma and taste and can add a zing to even a