Natural cures for depression and anxiety that cost nothing

Dealing with depression and anxiety naturally

natural cures for depression and anxietyHave you ever checked the results thrown up by recent mental health surveys? If you have, then you’ll agree that it really is a mad, mad, mad, mad world we’re living in today. According to the International Mental Health Research Organisation, the life of every fifth person in the world today is affected by some mental illness or the other. And the World Health Organisation  says that one in every four persons is likely to develop a mental disorder at some point in his or her lifetime. That’s how alarming the mental state of our world is.

World Mental Health Day

Just yesterday, on the 10th of October, the world celebrated World Mental Health Day. And currently, many countries are observing Mental Health Awareness Week. This year, the theme of World Mental Health Day being “Mental health and older adults”, the emphasis is on helping seniors and retired people stay mentally healthy and live fuller, and happier lives.

Considering that we’re witnessing a spurt in the incidence of people being driven over the edge by their mental problems, it’s obvious that more needs to be done to sensitize people to the fact that mental health is as important as physical health. A few days ago, a retired banker in Mumbai who was suffering from depression for the last two years, killed his wife, a retired school teacher. He hit her on the head with a hammer in a fit of rage and then strangulated her. Last month, a 34-year old military contractor with a past history of mental illness shot 12 people dead and injured several others inside the Washington navy yard.

Almost daily news reports about similar shocking incidents worldwide indicate that mental disorders are on the rise from Mumbai to Manhattan. But the good thing is that mental problems are treatable. What’s more, complete recovery is possible when treatment is started in the mild to moderate stage. So read on for some natural cures for depression and anxiety, cures that cost nothing at all.

Effective, natural cures for depression and anxiety

Physical activity: Regular exercise is good not just for your heart, joints and your whole body, it is also a powerful anti-depressant and therefore good for your mind as well. Exercise releases chemicals called endorphins in your brain that lift your mood, make you feel energetic and stress-free. Older people may be unable to undertake strenuous exercises, but moderate physical activity like walking, would be possible for most of them. In fact, walking could be considered among the best natural cures for depression and anxiety disorders. Walking will affect your health positively in other ways too, and you’ll find more information about all the health benefits of walking here.

Experts advice around 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least five times a week. However, avoid exercising on an empty or full stomach and remember to keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

Meditation and mindful walking: Both of these are powerful antidotes to depression, stress, and anxiety disorders like panic attacks. You’ll find detailed information and videos demonstrating proper techniques for these therapies here:  

Adequate rest: Resting your mind and body is important for relieving stress. Try to go to bed at a fixed time every day. Take a break from your daily routine for a few minutes to listen to soothing music, or read a book. And if not every day, try to enjoy a relaxing break at least once a week to do something you love, like visiting a book store, art gallery, or park. Such breaks are essential for recharging your mental batteries so you can get back to your daily chores with renewed vigour.

Adequate exposure to sunlight: Most people tend to overlook natural cures for depression and anxiety as simple as this. Almost everyone knows about sunlight being good for the bones. But not many are aware that sunlight enhances the production of the natural anti-depressant serotonin in the brain. So plan regular walks outdoors at least twice or thrice a week. Take a walk in the park, walk the dog, do anything that will make you get out of the house and let you bask in the sunlight for at least 15 to 20 minutes or so. 

Relationships and social contacts: Don’t stay isolated from the outside world. Connect with your loved ones and people you know, and even some whom you don’t know. For instance, regular walks in a park nearby would provide opportunities to greet and maybe strike up conversations with people in your age group and others. You could share your thoughts and talk not only about your health problems but also about happy things happening in your life. 

Learning something new: Spending time in picking up a new skill or activity is another great cure. This will effectively divert your attention from your mental problems and improve your emotional and mental health. A new activity could also be a source of great joy. So learn to paint, sketch, play a musical instrument, or join a social work group, and soon you’ll find you’re enjoying life instead of being stifled by depression or anxiety.  

Proper nutrition for a healthy brain: Doctors recommend not just lifestyle changes but also the right diet for keeping your brain fit even in your golden years. Here’s where you can find out more about a brain-healthy diet.

Anyone, even celebrities, can have mental disorders

celebrities with mental health disorders

Formerly, mental illnesses were not spoken about openly. But in recent times with celebrities like the British cricketing icon Andrew Flintoff (depression), Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman (panic disorder), mathematical genius and Nobel Laureate John Nash (schizophrenia), and bestselling author J. K. Rowling (depression) coming clean about their struggle with mental illnesses, ordinary citizens too are finding the courage to admit they have a mental problem and seek professional help.

So, if you or people you know are among the millions of people worldwide troubled by mental disorders, it’s time to put your life back on track. For more detailed mental health-related guidance, check out the free downloadable pocket guides from the Mental Health Foundation, UK, available from their website:   The booklet titled “How to look after your mental health in later life” would be especially useful for older people.

In conclusion, tackle mental health problems early. And before spending huge sums on expensive medications,  make the first line of treatment simple, natural cures for depression and anxiety disorders mentioned above.

See ya… and keep smiling!

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